Using Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Qigong, Reconnective Healing and over thirty years of clinical experience we treat a broad array of conditions that include; headaches and pain management, eating disorders and weight management, mental and emotional conditions including ADD and ADHD, internal medicine for digestive disturbances like IBS and Crohn’s, respiratory conditions like asthma and allergies and all manner of gynecological complaints.
Hometown: Vero Beach, FL USA
Occupation: Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Interests: Robert Kienitz, Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, has been in practice for over twenty years and has spent the last nine years developing and refining the Lunar Balance System of Chinese Medicine. Lunar Balance uses the relationship between the ebb and flow of Qi (bio-energy) and blood in the human body and the ebb and flow of nature to harmonize and nourish the body. This method can be used with or without needles and can treat any condition at any age.
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