"Daniel Mule – A Successful Wild Life Photographer
Born in Texas, Daniel Mule has always had an intense connect with the drama of nature.
He is based in Brooklyn. After a stretch in the business world, he moved to New York, quit his day job and started making images full time.
He studied Business & Communications at The University of Texas at Dallas and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in 2002.
Daniel first recognized the extraordinary power of photography huddled in her school library, looking through iconic photographs.
There, he also met girlfriend Lisa Haydon, who led him to become a member of Royal South Australian Society of Arts, a major group of South Australian artists and comrades tasked with the objective of promoting understanding and interest of art in the community.
While looking back at how photography became his first choice, he stated, “it wasn’t any kind of great interest in pictures or a relative gave me a camera when I was 12. It was random sources striking me unusually and question of “What do I do now?” I came up with the idea of become a photographer.”
Inspired By
Daniel is arguably one of the foremost wildlife photographers. He is passionate about birds and is specializing in bird photography. In documenting birds through his photographs, he has developed a style of technical excellence combined with a captivating story.
His journey included carrying his photography equipment and outdoor gear up high mountain peaks, across lakes and rivers, and over glaciers and lava fields.
Since the starting of his career as wildlife photographer, his reputation as today’s leading photographer of America’s national parks has continued to grow. He regularly conducts wildlife photography workshops and holds talks all over Texas, California and across the US.
Candid Exposure
Wildlife photography is not only a passion for him, but a powerful medium to help conserve nature.
He clicks his pictures with the motto “Every time he presses the button, he’ll get one step closer to the Mother Nature”.
Inspiring social change and empower humanity by visually communicating the ways that grassroots initiatives are addressing problems and creating social/environmental change in their communities all around the world.
His work has been appreciated and featured in several national and international publications as well as exhibitions.
Artistic Career
Daniel Mule has a good instinct for creative details, especially the ones that will grab the attention of his target audience.
He uses photographs from his eye-catching and broad body of work to illustrate his accumulated wisdom and instructive anecdotes.
He walks the reader through the cropping and culling process, and enlightens the rigorous and considerate approach to editing behind the singular and vivid images.
Life Aside Profession
In his personal life, Daniel Mule is deeply attached to his family, a beloved wife Michael and two kids, Raven and Elena.
Living in San Jacinto, Austin, Texas, Daniel likes volunteering for Habitat for Humanity and loves spending time with his family.
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