Vein Specialties
11456 Olive Boulevard Suite 200
St. Louis, MO 63141, United States
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Sun 09:00 AM-04:30 PM,Mon 09:00 AM-04:30 PM,Tue 09:00 AM-04:30 PM,Wed 09:00 AM-04:30 PM,Thu 09:00 AM-04:30 PM,Fri 09:00 AM-04:30 PM,Sat 09:00 AM-04:30 PM
Vein Specialties located in St. Louis specializes in Painless tattoo removal in a professional medical office setting. Have it done right with an experienced staff with excellent results using our state of the art Trinity Laser. Vein Specialties - The tattoo removal experts. Fall special: $<url removed> off one treatment. New and existing clients. Expires 12/31/2014.
Hometown: St. Louis, MO United States
Occupation: owner
Interests: Tattoo Removal Service, Medical
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