Hypnotherapy will help you overcome personal barriers and hurdles in your life. Hypnotherapy can be used in many different situations as a way of improving our lives. Changing various aspects of our emotional and behavioral traits is often a difficult process; self-improvement and self-actualization are a crucial part of the targets we set for ourselves but are often unable to meet. Often, the things holding us back from achieving our goals are our own attitudes, habits and lifestyle patterns – these more abstract aspects of our lives are not as easily changed as some more practical things; but once changed, they can have a huge impact on everything we do. With hypnotherapy, it's possible to improve almost any sphere of your life, from your attitude towards yourself to your relationships with your family and friends, etc.
Hometown: Salt Lake City, UT United States
Occupation: Hypnotherapist
Interests: Owen Lee is currently the only hypnotherapist using the Kappasonian Emotional and Physical (E&P) model for therapy in Utah. This approach to hypnotherapy is closely related to some of Freud's theories in psychoanalysis. According to Dr. John Kappas (the founder of HMI), a hypnotherapist is someone who induces hypnotic states in his/her patients, in order to motivate or alter various behavioral patterns; this is done after consulting the client about his/her specific problems and creating personalized hypnotherapy sessions, in order to deal with the issues more effectively. Because Owen follows the Kappasonian model, he believes everyone is different and therefore requires different hypnotherapy plans and sessions. He tests his patients' physical and emotional suggestibility, assesses their goals, and creates individualized techniques and hypnosis plans that are client-specific.
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