Hello and welcome! My name is Dr. Kate Truitt, I am a licensed Clinical Psychologist practicing in Pasadena, CA. I have dedicated my life to supporting individuals as they learn, heal, and grow into living their most fulfilled life. I believe in the brain’s ability to transcend and transform the complex and beautiful relationship between nature and nurture. I have chosen to dedicate my life to the investigation and development of tools for personal transformation and empowerment. I truly believe that when we choose to let every moment of adversity strengthen and empower us we are choosing to be our strongest and most empowered selves. Through my years of experience I have learned that building a sustainable and fulfilled life begins with "Choosing You."
My clinical practice and scientific studies have led me to specialize in the treatment of eating disorders, addiction, and trauma. My research focuses on brain health during the recovery process and treatment outcomes. I actively honor the belief that each individual is unique and dynamic and seek to connect with each client in a way that is safe and comfortable for where they are presently in their healing process. I strive to create an empowering environment for my clients, guiding them through their transformational journey as they seek and obtain their fulfilled life.
Hometown: Pasadena, CA
Occupation: Clinical Psychologist and Personal Empowerment Coach
Interests: I specialize in the treatment of psychological trauma (PTSD), eating disorders, and other co-occurring difficulties such as depression, anxiety, self-injury, addiction, and personality disorders. I have trained in the most effective and cutting edge treatments for healing and transformation such as CBT, EMDR, DBT, Mentalization, Mindfulness, amongst others.
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