5 Reasons For Changing Your Health Care Model
Telehealth: Who really needs it? This is a question healthcare professionals are asking less and less these days, as 84% believe telehealth will become an important part of their operations. Despite the growing consensus among experts about telehealth's indispensability, it is still worthwhile to...
Telehealth: Accessible Therapy For the Masses
It is an exciting time for healthcare as it evolves into the connected age, and it is no surprise that mental health is joining the telehealth revolution as well. Increased access to mental health services means better health care and higher quality of life for patients in any location. According...
What Are They Doing With Your Fitness Tracker Data?
Telehealth, or online mediated patient care, could very well be the future of healthcare. I don't think most people can yet envision not going to see a doctor when medical issues arise, especially when it comes to young children, but more and more people are giving it a try these days. It's hard ...
A Revolution in Health Care
Two words describe the march of telehealth: steady and forward. On nearly a weekly basis, states all over the country are voting the legal architecture into place that will pave the way for telehealth to become an important fixture in modern healthcare service. Legislators from Idaho to Florida a...
The Future of Medicine is Here
If you haven’t heard about telemedicine yet, you will soon. For those who don’t know, telemedicine is “the remote diagnosis and treatment of patients by means of telecommunication technology.” In simple terms, it is the use of modern technology in order to provide interactive healthcare. It doesn...