At The Hopper Group, we strive to create an environment where patient needs can be met with the utmost care and confidentiality.
Mental and emotional disorders can be distressing and hard to live with. Some people may not even know it is a mental issue they live with until their symptoms gradually worsen. Everyone deserves the right to think, feel, and work the best they can and prevent mental illness.
At The Hopper Group, we provide confidential, reputable, and proactive treatment for mental health issues, which might include ADD, anxiety, depression, OCD, and panic disorder, amongst others. The Hopper Group recognizes early intervention as an important first step to wholeness and wellness. We partner with patients in their mental fitness journey and collaborate together in the care process using a "treatment to outcome" approach.
Hometown: Fort Worth, Texas United States
Occupation: Psychiatrist
Interests: At The Hopper Group, our focus is helping to guide patients to mental fitness and achieve improved functioning at home, school, and work through holistic, wellness-oriented treatment and therapy.
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