Dr. Christopher Rae welcomes you to his new office, Victorian Dental located in the heart of the Victoria Commons complex in DeLand, Florida. Our office offers the most up to date dental services available, which include: veneers, porcelain crowns, whitening, implant crowns, and many other state of the art procedures.
Hometown: DeLand, FL
Occupation: Dentist
Interests: Dr. Rae began his journey toward dentistry at DeLand High School as a graduate of the International Baccalaureate program. This highly demanding program prepares students for the high demands of a college course load. This program gave him an advantage at Florida State University where he received two degrees, a Bachelors of Science in Biology and a Bachelors of Arts in Classical History. After taking acceptance exams required by dental schools, Dr. Rae became a student at Nova Southeastern University School of Dentistry. This program focuses students on clinical experience, fashioning a superior graduate. As a private school, Nova allows their dental students to focus on a high level of experience in all aspects of dentistry while also developing the business and social skills necessary to become a valued member of their chosen community.
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