Avoid this doctor at all cost. Dr.Alan Ruttenberg over-medicated me for 12 years. He failed to warn me that the medication he was giving me could cause diabetes and other debilitating diseases like tardive dyskinesia. I complained to him about my hair falling out and other painful side effects and he dismissed my symptoms as due to something else. I went to see other doctors for second opinions. One endocrinologist even called him to say that he should get me off the medication, and he was still resistant. One day, I saw a segment on the news that doctors were over-prescribing this medication and were being paid by AstraZeneca under the table to push this drug. I told Dr.Ruttenberg about what I saw on the news and he admitted to me,"you know what,you don't need this medication anymore". The withdrawing was terrible (the worst headaches of my life) and to this day I have permanent health problems due to this.