I have been with Wootton for 10 years even when Wendy Wootton was still working. I think you are a very professional and excellent place to ensure eye care. However, I do not understand why a $50 charge is required or why the insurance I pay so much for does not cover it. Secondly, while I am very comfortable with the opinions of your optometrists I am not 100 percent comfortable with all decisions. Since I had Lasik surgery 9 yrs ago my eyes have been worse and worse and I do not understand why they are not clear almost like cataracts which you did surgery on already. Yet, I am still with a cloudy vision and slightly blurry eyed. So we'll see after this visit if they are better with the prescription from Dr Amy Crump who I like much. Thank you.
Happy with the exam and consultation with Dr. Thought I was going to have the cataract surgery consultation to discuss my options but have to come back for another appointment for that. Would of preferred to have it all at once. Got the impression I was suppose to but I think the scheduling was messed up.