Holistic Family Medicine

Holistic Family Medicine
Holistic Family Medicine Closed, no longer in practice Boca Raton, FL 33434
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(32 Reviews)
I had my trigger point session with Dr. Woliner and it was amazing. My range of motion was improved and my muscle knots dissolved. I have been seeing the doctor to help with my chronic migraines and these sessions have helped decrease the onset of them.
by Jean F xxx.xxx.172.96
September 23, 2016
I was a mess but after seeing Dr. Woliner for the past year my condition has improved so much that I was able to do the things I have always wanted to do but was unable. I am planning my wedding for next year and hopefully a baby after. One thing for sure, Dr. Woliner has helped me where other doctors couldn't. A Very grateful and healthy patient I am.
by Sean H xxx.xxx.249.219
September 22, 2016
This office is very good at taking care of it's patients. I call them first if I need help not my other doctors office. You get what you pay for and yes I pay out of pocket to come see Dr.Woliner but he has been the only doctor able to help with my Candida condition.
by Riley M xxx.xxx.250.222
September 21, 2016
I had been very interested in going to see Dr. Woliner since I have been struggling with all my symptoms for years and I finally did after my Endo put me on a medication that made me sick and was of no help. I was tired of feeling like a number. With Dr. Woliner I feel truly taken care of and one by one my symptoms are resolving.
by Katherine Howe xxx.xxx.144.93
September 18, 2016
I was looking to get help with my hair loss and as the years have gone by it was getting worse. Dr. Woliner found out I had a thyroid condition and prescribed Armour thyroid and after my next hair cycle I found that my hair was growing back, well my hair dresser really found that to happening. I am relieved that I will not be going bald anytime soon.
by R Parrish xxx.xxx.157.9
September 17, 2016
I was in the market for a Functional Medicne doctor and came across Dr. Woliner's website. I read his website and thought this guy knows his stuff. I was equally impressed when I called his office and was met with very friendly staff that allowed me to ramble on and on about my lack of good health. I felt very comfortable making an appointment and after see the good doctor, I was secure knowing my health would improve under his care and it has.
by Finley Castro xxx.xxx.213.2
September 15, 2016
My acupuncist referred me to Dr. Woliner. While I was doing better, I still wasn't where I wanted to be. The fatigue was not improving with the herbs I was taking. Dr. Woliner ran blood, saliva and stool tests and the results came back with low adrenals and Candida. I have been working with Dr. Woliner these past months and now doing great.
by P Roman xxx.xxx.117.108
September 13, 2016
I came across Dr. Woliner's name after reading a book on functional medicine. I have been having health issues and I wanted a different approach using functional medicine. I was very impressed with my consultation with him and even more happy that he prescribed vitamins and lifestyle changes. He suggested things I never thought about and they were very easy to implement. Within weeks I could feel the change. I was staying up later, more productive and wanting to go out and be social again. I am greatful for finding that book that showed me the way to Dr. Woliner and a healthier well being.
by Gale Bender xxx.xxx.168.229
September 12, 2016
I found Dr. Woliner through a thyroid online support site and after years of listening to doctors tell me that my problems do not exist I was ready to find someone who would really listen to me. I made an appointment. What joy to finally find a doctor who thinks outside the box and get me on thyroid medication. I feel great!
by Kristy F xxx.xxx.141.7
August 31, 2016
I wanted to explore holistic approach for my old health related problems. I have been trying to figure out the source of these problem. Dr. Woliner was the perfect choice. I have Hashimoto's, low hormone levels and immune issues. Dr. Woliner quickly dignosis these problems and got me started on a course of treatment. I have done much better but I know it will be a long road but I am confident that I will get better under Dr. Woliner's care.
by Kimberly Archer xxx.xxx.144.220
August 30, 2016
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