I've sadly come to realize this man is a scam artist. He uses an old snake oil trick of speaking softly and very quickly, so you can't understand what he's saying. He constantly tells patients to go off their medication, without even giving thought to what the consequences of abrupt withdrawal might do to a person's body. (In some cases, these drugs need to be tapered off, and he really shouldn't be telling patients to stop all medications.) He tells you each time that certain organs are functioning at a low percentage (like 2 percent), then waves his hands, says some mumbo jumbo, and voila! Your heart/spleen/kidney/liver now operates at 80 percent. Next time he'll get it up to 100 percent. (But next time, no mention of that organ, and another organ is deficient.)
On the way out, he loads you up with overpriced supplements and ridiculous drops that are supposed to protect you from a variety of ailments, then he makes claims that other patients have taken the drops and never again had cancer/heart attacks/disease of the week.