I am so happy to announce that my father will no longer be under his care. This "gentleman" and his arrogance will lead to the untimely deaths of all those who may not know that quality care does exist. For years he had been advising that my father take higher doses and against my wishes he would listen and say the doctor said so. Then i decided to join my aging father to a visit and to my surprise his blood pressure nor weight was taken, I am no doctor but for someone suffering from high blood pressure this may be a necessary action that should be taken. Instead he walked in and treated us like we were a indy 500 car there for tires! He just said take this buy this and go away. This place is good for those who may be looking for a drug dealer because a family care physician he is not. Never in my life have I felt it necessary to write a negative review, I have dealt with my fair share of rude doctors; I was in the marines! If you loved your aging parents please do as I did forbid them from going to a place where you will be demoralized, belittled. Even the poor deserve respect. little did you know Ray Denson that the man you treated so badly only went to you because he grew up in that community and then bought the equivalent of two square blocks of homes and now rents them out. He felt that going to your clinic was part of being from the community so thanks Ray for killing an old mans dream and for showing your true self the other morning and allowing me to hear you yell at another family in front of there children I was at a loss for words and now I hope you are and I hope you seriously try to remember why you became a doctor.