Do not go to this dentist! You will spend your money getting nonexistent cavities filled every teeth-cleaning you go to! I haven't had a cavity since I was 7 years old. Now, almost 15 years later this dentist diagnosed me with 8 cavities in less than a year! I was dumb enough to have 3 of them filled, but when he told me I had 5 more only 6 months later I knew something was up! I don't drink pop or eat sweets, and brush my teeth twice everyday. So I asked them how I could possibly have gotten 8 cavities in less than a year....all they could say is "Your grooves in your teeth are deep so you need to brush a little better." Well my grooves could not have possibly change when I changed dentists! Luckily I was smart enough to go for a second opinion which told me I didn't have any cavities whatsoever!
If you think I’m just bitter please ask any of his patients how many cavities they’ve had since going to see Dr. Phillip Burton. I have asked and am thoroughly shocked.