Appleton Dental

Appleton Dental
Appleton Dental 2478 Patterson Road Suite 24 Grand Junction, CO 81505
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Consumer Feedback

(16 Reviews)
5 star average for Service
5 star average for Environment
4.5 star average for Expertise
5 star average for Staff
5 star average for Recommended
4 star average for Value
Did this provider answer all of your questions?
Every question I had was answered thoroughly
by Anonymous
February 01, 2012
Did this dentist give you your invoice promptly?
Absolutely! They gave me my invoice before I had even asked for one
Did this provider wear an obnoxious cologne?
Not at all, their cologne smelled great
Was this dentist's staff friendly?
Yes, they went above and beyond
Were the restrooms clean at this provider's office?
Yes, they were immaculate!
by Anonymous
November 05, 2011
Does this provider always take that extra step to make you feel special?
Absolutely, they always make me feel like I'm their only patient.
Was the toothpaste used during your cleaning enjoyable?
Did this dentist give you your invoice promptly?
Yes, they gave me one when I asked
Were the staff members able to answer your questions?
Yes! They were the most knowledgeable staff I've ever seen!
Does this provider treat every client equally?
Definitely, they make everyone feel equally respected and cared for
by Anonymous
September 01, 2011
Did this dentist provide helpful oral health techniques you could practice at home?
Was this dentist friendly?
Extremely Friendly
Does this provider always take that extra step to make you feel special?
Yes, I always enjoy my appointments
by Anonymous
August 04, 2011
Are you confident that this provider will continue working with you until a solution is reached?
Absolutely! I'm confident they will work hard to find the best solution for me
Did your mouth feel clean after your appointment?
Definitely! It felt more clean than it's ever felt!
Does this provider give unbiased advice?
Absolutely! I always get sound, helpful, and completely unbiased advice!
Did this provider promise services he/she couldn't provide?
Not at all! They exceeded my expectations
Does this provider offer flexible appointment times?
Somewhat, but it's still difficult to get an appointment
by Anonymous
May 24, 2011
Does this provider offer flexible appointment times?
Was the dental equipment clean?
Is this provider's business conveniently located?
Yes, it is very conveniently located
Was this provider argumentative or easily angered?
No, they were very calm and understanding
by Anonymous
May 18, 2011
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