Transferred from another practice. I appreciate the honest, open approach to treating my pain and trying new things instead of covering my issues up with medications.
I was trying injections, had a spinal fusion and even a spinal cord stimulator but still had pain. Dr Khan was very honest with me and said an implanted pain pump was the best option for someone who always needs pain medications because it gives the medicine directly to the source and cuts down on the hassle of taking pills feeling better, then pain coming back, then taking more pills, etc. I am glad I am off that merry go round
I was hurt in the job, some company doc said I was fine. Dr Khan found two tears in my lumbar spine and saved my back, glad I got his opinion instead of believing that I was 'fine'!
Dr Khan has always impressed me with how fast and efficient he is with the shots he gives. I used to get sedation and go through a big ordeal at the hospital, now things are streamlined and seem to work better. Happy to be coming here!
I had a car accident with major pain afterwards. I was getting no where with my improvement and now I have a spinal cord stimulator and the ability to walk like a normal person again. Nice coffee too in the Hinsdale office!