Get in the greatest shape of my life - All Thoughts

Posted by Monica
I'm at the age where it will be the easiest to acheive as opposed to 10 years down the road.
Posted by Lynn
I stopped during the fires and OMG...I have excuse after excuse for not getting back to the gym...what is up with that? I swear...I love the gym once I am there. Mostly, I play racquetball and do a little weight training, but for some reason, I just can't get there...HELP!\n
Posted by John Valenty
I was doing great with my working out, then I caught a cold and stopped for a couple weeks not to push myself. A couple weeks turned into I don't know how long and now I'm finding out how hard it is to start up again! So, the learning experience is that once we start, we should do a little bit each day so that we never actually stop (that's my theory anyway) because starting up again is tough!
Posted by MrGil
I began, thanks to Humana, working out 5 days a week. I do Tread Mill, Stationary Bike, Lower Back exercise and Ab exercise. Last May I started with 10 min tread mill 5 mi stationary bike and no weight training. I slowly worked up to my present schedule which is; 1 hour tread mill, starting at 2.5 MPH for 5 min, increasing to 2.8 for 5 min.. then I increase my speed by .3MPH until I reach 58 min. At this time I do 2 min at 3.5 and no degree of slope. I can't explain how great I feel. Bp is the lowest in years, Lost 21` pounds in 6 months...Don't think about DO IT!!!!!!
Posted by Kayli
Help! i can't find the will to move. I have abundant free time, i don't like when i look in the mirror, but i can't get to it!!! Its like thinking about it is going to burn calories.....\n
Posted by John Valenty
Well, that stunk. I've been fighting some kind of virus for more than a week and I'm winning, but not motivated to work out again until today finally. It felt good I must say. Glad I didn't put it off another day.
Posted by Paul Koch
I'm adding this pursuit right now, Saturday 9/22/07. I've had some lingering injuries that I think have completely healed and I'm ready to go.
Posted by Steve C.
Putting in on average 4 days a week. Lifting and cardio. Looking to bump it to 5-6 days.
Posted by Lisa
Considering all the aspects there are to getting into shape. For instance; mentally, emotionally and physically... anything else I need to prepare myself for in order to do this??
Posted by John Valenty
I'm getting in the best shape of my life despite all the distractions and things seemly plotting against me. Who's in? Let's get serious and do this!