Tagged as Wellness Tip

Wellness Tip:- Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients that are not manufactured by the body, but must be ingested through diet. Omega-3s are necessary for blood clotting, cell health support and reduced inflammation. Evidence suggests they prevent cardiovascular disease. The average western diet is lopsided with Omega-6 fatty acids, which promote inflammation and compete with Omega-3s to metabolize....
January 4, 2015
Wellness Tip:- People often give up on a diet and exercise plan because they do not see results as quickly as they would like. While it is important to have a goal in mind, such as losing a certain number of pounds, these larger goals should be for the long term. Set a variety of short-term goals as well, such as losing a pound a week, walking for 30 minutes every day, or increasing the number of push...
December 21, 2014
Have you heard it said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? Do you know why? -Wellness Tip:- The body is an exquisitely engineered machine - with muscles, nerves, and hormones, all operating within a cycle. You sleep, you eat, you play, you flex your muscles and you rest. After a full night's sleep of, say, seven or eight hours, while your body has been resting and regenerating, you...
December 17, 2014
Wellness Tip:- If you are struggling to lose weight, feel sad or moody without a specific reason or have been feeling especially tired, have your thyroid checked. A lagging thyroid gland is common in women, especially those who have had children and are over 35 years in age. You can also have an overactive thyroid, where you would have the opposite symptoms, such as feeling too jittery and losing weight...
December 1, 2014
Wellness Tip:- Physicians and researchers from the National Institute of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, have performed studies concerning the benefits of human/animal relationships. One study involved more than 400 participants who had a history of heart disease. One year after suffering a heart attack, canine owners had a higher survival rate. Research involving 240 couples determined that households...
November 24, 2014
Wellness Tip:- Consider a rainbow of colors on your quest to eat your way to better health. White foods like garlic and onions help boost the immune system. Green vegetables detox the body and provide a wealth of vitamins and minerals. Yellow foods like lemons and bell peppers serve to improve skin elasticity. Orange foods ranging from carrots to oranges can help prevent cancer. Cherries, pomegranates,...
November 14, 2014
Wellness Tip:- Exercise is touted as one of the most beneficial things you can do for your health. We are bombarded daily with slinky-clad young women on elliptical machines, or buff men pumping iron, and many other forms that frankly tend to intimidate. What if I told you that exercise can be as simple as a morning walk? Simply don your most casual overalls and hit the outdoors. The morning air is...
November 4, 2014
Wellness Tip:- Are you still tired after a full night's sleep? Do you suffer from fatigue or excessive daytime drowsiness no matter how early you go to bed? The problem may be in your lights, not your rest. Bright lights suppress the production of melatonin, a critical hormone for sleep, and they also reset your suprachiasmatic nucleus (CLN). This means that flashing phones or blinking laptops can...
November 4, 2014
Wellness Tip:- Folate's been called “the wonder vitamin" with good reason. Folate is a B vitamin and folic acid is its synthetic form. It protects both women and men by reducing homocysteine, an amino acid linked to heart attack risk. Folate may guard against colon and cervical cancers, and it is used to treat depression. Women of childbearing age should take 400 micrograms of folic acid daily (but...
October 27, 2014
Wellness Tip:- Most kitchens have this popular seasoning that also harbors unique health qualities. The next time you get a paper cut or a knife blade goes astray, -grab the black pepper- shaker. Cleanse the wound using cold water. Use soap and water if the event involved handling any type of raw meat product. Sprinkle the pepper on the wound and apply direct pressure. Watch in amazement as within...
October 26, 2014