Tagged as water

We all seem to have a beverage of choice. Whether it's the evening cocktail, the morning coffee, or the afternoon pick-me-up soda — we really seem to like our beverages. But some of those beverages may actually be causing us long-term harm. Let’s take a look at some of the best and worst options. 1. Best: Water - Water is the stuff of life. We can only last three days without it and most of that time...
February 26, 2025
Lead poisoning is no joke. The water crisis in Flint, Michigan might seem far removed for most of us, but what happened there could happen in any number of other places. And if you live in a home that was fitted with certain types of plumbing materials, you could be at an even higher risk. Lead poisoning can cause serious health problems in all people, but it can be especially dangerous to children....
October 15, 2024
You may have heard the warnings: Always toss previously boiled water and refill your kettle or pot before heating it, or you’ll wind up making toxic water. But is it true? The answer isn’t as simple as yes or no. We have the details. Claims have flooded the Internet that reboiling water can make it dangerous. It's said that evaporation can cause some chemicals to become more concentrated as the water...
October 10, 2023
The idea of eating to suppress appetite is more than a little appealing, and it makes sense. Of course, when you think about it, we do in fact eat to remove hunger. That sounds like an oversimplification but sometimes keeping it simple works out for the best. Since many people reach out to food in times of stress, anxiety and depression, sometimes we do have to make sure we are eating to fully satisfy...
September 12, 2023
A bacterium that once only caused rare outbreaks appears to be increasing its presence, and it could be the next big -public health threat. Legionella pneumophila- bacteria can live nearly anywhere there’s water, but that’s nothing new. So why are cases on the rise? - How Legionnaires' Spreads - Legionella pneumophila- occurs in small numbers just about everywhere water is present. Ideal replicating...
July 16, 2021
Getting the recommended eight glasses of water each day isn’t so simple for those who can’t stand the way it tastes. Some even gag when they try. Instead of just choking it down, like a kid forced to eat veggies, there are ways to make staying hydrated a little more enjoyable. Adequate water intake is essential to a healthy lifestyle. Meet that daily water goal by trying these tips for making it more...
November 8, 2019
In order to function properly, the human body needs water. Women need approximately -11.5 cups of fluids- per day, whereas men need about 15.5 cups. The water can come from many sources, including popular beverages, such as coffee and soda, and watery fruits and vegetables, like cucumbers and watermelon. But we definitely need it, and when we're drinking optimum amounts, we reap benefits. While it...
September 19, 2019
Have you ever been on a diet? Most people have. This is how it goes: you start the - diet and feel great - for the first few days. After a week, you think that you’ve done enough to earn a "cheat" meal. You eat everything you couldn’t eat before, remember how good the food tasted, and then give up on the diet. There are other varieties of this same situation, but it always ends the same - you give...
February 13, 2019
According to Harvard University and other researchers, the government approved additive being used by most municipal water authorities is now officially classified as a neurotoxin that can cause long term brain damage. This -Harvard study- linked water fluoridation to a loss in IQ, stating that "fluoride seems to fit in with lead, mercury, and other poisons that cause chemical brain drain.” Animal...
June 22, 2018
Perhaps because it is so readily and inexpensively available, we all generally take water for granted.  Like electricity, we can't possibly live without water, but, still, we assume that it will always be available when we want it. Of course, electricity isn't a physiological necessity but how many people today in developed countries would be able to function were it not available? - Not only do we...
April 27, 2018