Many people are now choosing to follow a vegan diet. No matter what reasons we may have for choosing any diet, it’s vital to get the right balance of nutrients. Every diet has its challenges that adherents should be aware of and work to mitigate. And certainly, a vegan diet can be completely healthy and offers many great benefits. But one important challenge for vegans isn't often discussed. So let’s...
Tacos aren’t just for Tuesday anymore. Nor are they an occasional, guilty indulgence. Done right, -tacos can actually be healthy. That’s the reasoning behind the newest dietary cleanse referred to as the taco cleanse. Can replacing one, two or three meals a day with tacos be healthy? It’s called the taco cleanse, and it’s doctor-approved. There is a catch, however, so before you go out and hit up all...
One of the concerns people often have about a vegan diet is whether they’re getting enough iron. But iron doesn’t only come from meat. There are a lot of ways to get plenty of it, -even when eating plant-based. Let’s take a look at some vegan iron sources and why vegans may want to look at another common deficiency that can be the root cause of anemia. How Much Iron Do You Need? - According to the...
Going vegan can be a big shift if you're eating the standard meat-heavy American diet. When you consider the sheer overwhelming number of things that contain dairy, well, it's enough to daunt even the most dedicated diet changer. Even things like spending time with family and friends, or going out to eat, may need to change. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But there are some other things to think...
Food is such a prevalent part of our life and can affect our mood, time, body shape, and overall health. The choices are endless when it comes to what we put in our mouths, and for some that decision leaves meat out of the picture. People might make their plate based on religion, their health status, or as part of their environmental beliefs. Two types of eating have become popular meatless options,...
My first week as a vegan was surprisingly easy and I owe it all to one thing: proper planning! I planned out what I would buy at the grocery store, and thought of simple, delicious vegan recipes ahead of time to keep me on track. In my - last Wellness article - , I explain the rationale behind choosing a vegan diet. This is what I experienced during my first week as a vegan. What Did I Eat? - Being...
By Dana Poblete for Thrive Market - Going vegan can sometimes feel like all things sinful are suddenly out of reach, and blandness is the price to pay for a soul-soothing, cruelty-free diet. On the other side of the coin, you may be cheerfully gulping apple juice and melting soy cheese on a veggie pizza, proudly reveling in your ethical choices, oblivious to what's really in your food. First of all,...
What Should I Eat? - We are constantly bombarded with health information, but it is often useless information. With just a click of a mouse we can learn all about the current fad diets, or read about the newest surgical weight-loss procedure, or lose weight by using smaller plates, or view an advertisement for the latest low-fat snack, portioned for ‘convenience’ in 100-calorie packages. None of this...
Being or becoming healthy is a conscious, continuous process. We have to constantly be aware of what we’re putting into our bodies, how we’re using them, and if we’re getting enough rest. Everything from breakfast to bedtime is a health decision, and now that we have more access to information than ever, there really aren’t very many excuses left. Of course, there are considerable sacrifices when we...
As a physician who advocates eating an optimal diet in order to reduce the risk of life-threatening illness, I was troubled by news that was presented at a cardiology conference this past April. Researchers at the Cleveland Clinic found that a severe type of heart attack, known as a STEMI (for ST-elevation myocardial infarction), is occurring in younger patients. This type of heart attack is severe...