Tagged as Trans Fat

Like the villains in old-fashioned westerns, cholesterol tends to get viewed as one of our body’s bad guys. But cholesterol plays a vital role in keeping our bodies functioning properly. So it's important to view it with balance. We need to keep it within optimal levels, but not view it as evil or bad because it's important to our wellbeing. Let’s take a closer look at the role cholesterol plays in...
February 7, 2025
Fats are an important part of any balanced diet, but they’re all far from created equal. Different types of fats can have vastly different effects on physical and mental health, and the wrong ones may even disrupt normal brain function. Just one meal high in saturated fats can impair a person’s ability to think, and trans fats could be even more neurotoxic, increasing risks for behavior disorders and...
September 18, 2020
As if we didn’t already have enough reasons to avoid trans fats, we may now also have to worry about their long-term effects on the brain. You might not see as many trans fats on labels as you used to, but they’re still out there, quietly wreaking havoc on our health. They might even increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Check this out. Trans Fats on the Body - Trans fats- used to be...
February 17, 2020
Some people think that mainstream media is strategically and methodically controlled by the corporate giants and the government, in spite of our having so-called "free speech" and a supposedly-independent press. Other people laugh at such views, prefering to relegate them to the attic-worthy, cobweb-ridden realms of conspiracy theory nonsense. The latest development at the FDA, though, concerning trans...
June 23, 2015