Tagged as Sleep Remedy

Wellness Tip:- Are you still tired after a full night's sleep? Do you suffer from fatigue or excessive daytime drowsiness no matter how early you go to bed? The problem may be in your lights, not your rest. Bright lights suppress the production of melatonin, a critical hormone for sleep, and they also reset your suprachiasmatic nucleus (CLN). This means that flashing phones or blinking laptops can...
November 4, 2014
One of my students called me the other day from Paris asking me to please send a copy of my meditation CD to her as quickly as possible. She asked if I would send it overnight or whatever way was fastest to get it to her seven-year-old son. It was an emergency, she told me. They had forgotten it at home here in Los Angeles and her son just doesn't go to sleep without it. I mailed it out, smiling to...
October 15, 2007