When you have dry skin you rely on moisturizers to keep your skin from getting red, stiff, and flaky. But you can also rely on some basic food staples to give your skin the nutrients it needs to hydrate itself. Putting the right foods in your body can bring the moisture back into your cheeks. Fish - Reduces inflammation, retains moisture, keeps drying irritants out - You're always told to eat fish...
Photo credit: Paul Delmont, -Thrive Market - Coconut oil may be the reigning queen of oils—and for -a ton of good reasons-—but -pumpkin seed oil- is worthy of a royal title of its own when it comes to beauty. The iconic orange fruit pops up in everything during the fall months, including spiced lattes and rich, creamy pies, but it tends to falls off the map after Thanksgiving dinner ends. And that's...
Rosacea, a common inflammatory skin condition, affects approximately -1 in 20 Americans. This chronic, incurable condition mostly affects the face, ears and chest, but it can spread to other areas as well. The symptoms, which include redness, flushing, visible blood vessels, skin thickening, acne-like breakouts, swelling and bumpy skin, are persistent, sometimes painful, and bothersome, causing many...
Eczema affects approximately -35 million- people in the US. The condition causes irritated, itchy and painful skin. Getting the condition under control isn’t always easy and living with raw irritated skin can be miserable. Although the best way to deal with the condition is to prevent flares from happening in the first place, it’s not always possible to avoid them. Know What Triggers Eczema - It’s...
How often are- yo-u washing your hands these days? Most of us have found ourselves hitting the sink or the sanitizer far more often than we used to, and some people are realizing how much damage all that scrubbing can do to their hands. Have your hands become dry, cracked or even started bleeding? Have you developed red spots or itchy patches? Most people are over-washing their hands to prevent the...
In 2018, U.S. consumers spent -$5.6 billion- on skincare products in their relentless quest for smooth, youthful, radiant skin. The most common skin issues, for both men and women, include acne, wrinkles, puffiness, dullness, dry skin and pigment issues. While skincare products may work fine, many of us may not actually need them. Many skin conditions can also be tackled by a quick habit that’s absolutely...
The winter brings dry, cold air that zaps skin of its moisture, leaving it feeling dry, rough and raw. Indoor heating can also be harsh, and, in some cases, maybe worse. We can also put common -winter habits o-n that list. Things like taking hot showers, wearing heavy clothing, drinking less water and indulging in holiday junk food, can also wreak havoc on skin. But we can tackle the problem s long...
Are you hoping to get more natural vitamin D in your life but fear you may face skin damage in the process? You don’t have to sacrifice the benefits to reduce your risks. Getting enough of the essential vitamin is actually pretty simple, and for many, supplements may still be avoidable if that's your choice. Contrary to popular belief, most people can get plenty of vitamin D from sunlight, even with...
It takes only 15 minutes of sun exposure to develop a sunburn. Since the symptoms associated with a sunburn, including redness, pain and blisters, can develop slowly over a -24-hour period-, you may not know the extent of your injuries until much later. Whenever you spend time outdoors, regardless of the weather, a sunburn is a very real possibility. In addition to taking preventative measures, such...
Tea Tree Oil is an essential oil extracted mainly from the Australian native plant called -Melaleuca alternifolia - ,- and has been extensively used throughout Australia and elsewhere for the past 100 years. This particular oil has been studied and documented in many medical studies for its powerful antiseptic properties and abilities to treat infections. Keeping in mind the pertinent health benefits...