Tagged as Sex

Scheduling sex- may seem like an unconventional task. You might feel that the act is something that should only occur when both you and your partner are in the mood. The problem with that thinking is that the daily tasks of life often get in the way for time in bed with the one we love. Scheduling sex can ensure the two of you get some alone time together, although there are both pros and cons to the...
June 7, 2017
Maybe you've heard the staggering statistic that 3 out of every 5 women have been sexually abused. Although it's very difficult to try and comprehend that level of abuse, what if I told you that in actuality, 100% of women have been sexually abused? - I assume you would look at me with confusion. However, after my explanation I'll bet that it will make much more sense. Usually when we think of sexual...
September 26, 2016
You fantasize about long, languorous sessions of lovemaking with your spouse, quickies before the kids rise, and steamy surprises in the afternoon. And yet—that’s not what is happening in your marriage. In fact you can’t remember the last time you and your spouse touched passionately. Suffering in a sexless marriage can be lonely and isolating. We live in a sex-negative world. Even though images of...
October 11, 2015
Do You Have a Teenager? Then you'll be interested in knowing that: • 1 in 7 teens has sex before they're 15. The younger they are, the more likely they are to regret it - and to skip protection. • The United States has the highest rate of teen pregnancy in the Western industrialized world. One out of every three young women in America becomes pregnant before she reaches the age of 20. • Each year,...
May 8, 2007