Tagged as pneumonia

The flu can utterly devastate the body and leave you feeling wrung out, but it’s not the only winter illness to be concerned about. We all suffer from colds at some point, too. But then over here is this other thing that few know about. It turns out that adenoviruses are making people sick, too. Knowing the difference between these viruses, the flu, and the common cold may even help you stay healthier....
January 24, 2025
The fear is real. If you do catch the coronavirus or something else nasty enough to give you a serious lung infection, your odds of going to the ICU or needing a ventilator can rise significantly. As a community, we are palpably ignorant of ways to help ourselves and possibly increase our chances of being alright when the lungs get involved. What we do to keep our lungs clear if an infection strikes...
October 22, 2023
It’s a scary prospect, but it’s one some will have no choice but to face. A life-threatening illness can mean the need for radical intervention. In some cases, a ventilator is a person’s only chance at survival. And in the current pandemic, these tools are more important than ever. So what happens when we reach that point? What does it feel like? It only seems fair to warn you, though, that reading...
May 26, 2020