Tagged as Organic

Okay, I like an evening glass of good red wine or the occasional martini, so you have to know I got a kick about writing this title. But alas, that's not what this article is about. No, this article is about something else entirely… actually it's about something that I have to admit I thought I'd be kicking and screaming before I would agree to drink this stuff. Just so you know where I'm coming from:...
January 15, 2015
There are many reasons you should purchase organic products at the grocery store. Foods with a USDA Organic label are not grown with chemical pesticides, genetically modified or treated with sewage or petroleum-based pesticides. We have the best intentions at the grocery store, but ultimately it comes down to a question of cost. Many families cannot afford to purchase all organic produce. However,...
January 5, 2015
One of your best health protection options is choosing certified organic foods. You should always thoroughly wash all raw vegetables and fruits (including those organically grown) to rid them of bacteria, but no method: washing, freezing, or cooking - will eradicate pesticide residue from conventionally grown produce. A large percentage of pesticides currently in use are regarded as potential carcinogens,...
September 17, 2014
You hear a lot about organic food and personal items these days, but how do you know which products are worth spending the extra money on? It all depends on what is important to you. If you are set on buying all of your items locally, it can be difficult to find organic products that fit the bill. Is it worth it to buy strawberries that were trucked all the way across the country? - Why It’s a Good...
June 11, 2013