Gray hair seems inevitable, although some people start seeing it far sooner than others, most everyone gets it at some point. It all comes down to chemical responses in the body damaging the color-producing cells in the follicles. This can be due to physical or emotional trauma, what we call stress, or even physical illness, vitamin deficiency, or environmental factors like smoking and pollution. What...
Many consumers shop for food without thinking too much either about food safety or the repercussions of eating things with long-term harmfulness. Warning people about things posing immediate danger is generally well received and understood. But try telling people that glyphosate (the main ingredient in -Roundup- now found in increasing amounts in our food, beverages, and drinking water) -causes cancer. ...
Although we generally associate vitamin deficiency with third world countries, the reality is that this is a more common problem in developed nations than most people realize. We may not experience this problem with the same frequency or severity as, say, poor parts of India, South America and Africa, but the problem is often found in the US, especially among the poor, the homeless, the elderly, and...
What you eat has become more important than ever before. It isn't that nutrition wasn't important in, say, the 1800s or the 1600s or even 3,000 years ago. It's just that the circumstances have changed regarding what we eat. Not only have meal choices changed but the motivation and strategies behind food consumption have also changed. Early man (before we started raising livestock and developing...
You would be hard pressed to find a person who is not aware of the dangers of too much sugar. Warnings are given pretty much anywhere you turn and yet, Americans on average consume 153 grams of sugar a day. That is the equivalent of 6 chocolate bars, or more than a quarter pounder made completely out of sugar. That places the U.S. among the world’s top consumers of sugar, at approximately 123 pounds...
Love them or hate them, it sure does seem like mushrooms are a polarizing food. For those who love to eat them, there are many benefits to making them a regular part of a well-balanced diet. Even though they're technically a fungus, mushrooms count toward daily vegetable intake recommendations, so add them to a stir fry or chop them up and drop them in a soup to reap their benefits regularly. Mushrooms...
We have all heard advice like this: “Go on a diet, exercise 3 times a week, don’t stress too much,” etc. But for some people those things are a lot easier said than done. Some people prefer to incorporate something easy into their daily routine because they know they can actually accomplish “easy.” They want to still be able to see and feel results, but they want to achieve that without having to make...
A balanced, nutritious diet is vital for good health. Not only does a nutrient-rich, -varied diet- provide our bodies with the ingredients we need to be strong, healthy and active, but it also helps ward off disease. When combined with physical activity, a good diet can help us maintain a healthy weight, get healthy if we aren't already and stay energized. One of the best ways to get all the nutrients...
Even for those who do not suffer a mood disorder, some decline in mood can occur during colder weather, during longer nights and sometimes when we set our clocks ahead and back. Feelings of sadness, hopelessness or anxiety may manifest, along with disruptions in sleep, leaving one fatigued and irritable. Limited exposure to sunshine can produce depressive symptoms by disrupting our circadian rhythms....
If you are like most people, you take vitamins and supplements at certain times during your day. On the surface, swallowing a multivitamin every day makes sense. We all want to stay healthy and we're concerned that our meals do not provide enough nutrition. But the more you learn about multivitamins, the less likely you might be to blindly swear by them. Could you be wasting your money? - It really...