Tagged as norovirus

It’s that time of year when "the stomach bug" runs rampant through families across the country. The dreaded stomach bug or what some call the flu is not technically the flu or even a bug at all. It’s most often a form of norovirus that targets the gastrointestinal tract. With diarrhea and vomiting, sometimes even severe versions of these, "the stomach bug" can quickly -ruin holiday plans. Here is how...
December 21, 2020
Back in 2017, -more than 500- Royal Caribbean passengers became sick after two of the company’s ships were hit by a gastrointestinal illness. And this isn’t the first time. Every year, -hundreds of people- fall sick during cruises. Unfortunately, cruise-related -health concerns- aren’t surprising, as passengers are confined to a shared space for much of the trip. But cruising can be such fun. What'...
March 19, 2020