When you’re at home, you can control what’s available to you and what’s not. Simply resisting picking up a package of cookies at the store and stocking your fridge with fresh veggies and fruits is easy. Over the holiday season, you likely overindulged at a few gatherings with too many options available, some seemingly there to purposely kick your weight-loss goals to the curb. Whether or not you put...
New Year's resolutions are fairly popular with over 50 percent of Americans making the effort every year. However, research shows that approximately 88 percent of these good intentions fail. While resolutions formed around the new year may seem like a valid form of internal motivation, making resolutions around one specific point in the year just sets an individual up for failure. The Most Magical...
Many people think that New Year's resolutions are a waste of time. People who hold on to this perception, however, base their views on the many failures they have either experienced personally or watched others go through. Yes, too many people spend time coming up with resolutions which are eventually forgotten or only partially implemented. For these people, resolutions are indeed exercises in futility....
Resolving oneself to an action of self-improvement at the start of a new year has been around since the time of the ancient Babylonians, who made declarations of things like repaying their debt or returning items to their rightful owners. While we all start out with good intentions, studies show that year after year, though our confidence may be high, almost a full 90% of us fail at achieving our New...
New Year’s resolutions can be for fun, minor improvements or they can be much needed changes in one’s life. In Santa Monica and Los Angeles some of the most popular New Year’s resolutions are: - Finding a soul mate - Losing weight - Improvement in one’s career and income - Quitting smoking - A healthier diet - Better relationships - Traveling - Getting sober - As a clinical psychologist I often hear...
From weight loss to saving more money, new year's resolutions run the gambit. But for many, going more green might not be one they think of. The funny thing is that going green doesn't only help the planet, it can help your health and you wallet too! Check out some of my easy ways to go a bit more green in 2014! - 1) -Decrease Your Meat & Animal Product Consumption – -While not everyone is ready to...