Tagged as New Year's Resolutions

The New Year brings the opportunity for a new beginning. Although, we are lucky enough to be able to start anew each day, some people need the turn of a New Year to find the motivation to do so. The Top 10 Most Common New Year Resolutions include:- 1. Lose weight 2. Stop smoking 3. Stick to a budget 4. Save or earn more money 5. Find a better job 6. Become more organized 7. Exercise more 8. Be more...
January 2, 2025
New Year’s resolutions are a great idea... in theory. In practice, they’re not usually so great. How many of your New Year’s resolutions have been as life-changing as you’d hoped they’d be? How many did you actually follow through with? Sudden, drastic changes don’t tend to stick very well, making -most resolutions- a set-up for failure. Instead of making a yearly resolution, why not work toward real,...
January 6, 2024