Tagged as Medicare

Assisted living facilities in the United States cost an average of - $4,000 a month. For individuals requiring more care, a private room in a nursing home costs an average of $8,365 a month. This expense is always changing, with a documented - increase of 8% - over the last 5 years. That might seem expensive to many people and not so expensive to others. The real question is, is it worth it? - Long-term...
February 3, 2025
Pregnancy can take a lot out of a woman, and it can come with -numerous complications. Some of those complications can have lasting effects on the mother’s health or even lead to death. Post-delivery care is as important as every other phase in pregnancy, but 40% of new mothers fail to make their post-delivery appointments. That's a staggering percentage. Part of this could be medical costs, low awareness...
February 23, 2019
By: -Regency Nursing & Rehabilitation Centers - Joe Sanders never expected to wind up in the hospital for an extended stay. At age 68, he was in good health, leading an active life. So when a sudden attack on the golf course landed him in the local emergency room, he was surprised to learn that his government health benefits weren't going to see him through the long haul. Unfortunately, like most of...
June 19, 2015
The nation's Medicare system is now engulfed in controversy over its future. What might we believe? - I'll spell out the real problem. In connection with the delivery of medical services in America, one fact must be recognized. While medical technology becomes increasingly involved and costly, a substantial and growing portion of the population, with little or no financial resources, is guaranteed...
August 28, 2007