Tagged as Makeup

Some of the most bacteria-laden items we touch daily are not found out in the dirty, grimy world-at-large. They’re actually in our homes. Household items, especially personal items that are regularly in contact with our skin, are breeding grounds for harmful bacteria and other nasties. According to - Time - , items that stay moist or wet, such as kitchen sponges, hand towels, toothbrushes and toothbrush...
November 21, 2024
In March of 2019, Claire’s Stores, Inc., a popular tween store found in malls across the country, voluntarily recalled 3 products containing talcum powder 2 years after the - U.S. Food & Drug Administration - found the presence of asbestos fibers in product samples. The delayed recall, which is attributed to the cosmetic company’s refusal to take action, made it possible for countless people to unwittingly...
March 10, 2021
People have some bizarre beauty rituals, but would you intentionally massage arsenic or animal waste into your skin? Hopefully not, but many people do just that— and they don’t even realize it. Online beauty sales result in -billions of dollars- in revenue each year, but -lax regulations- mean that purchase might not be quite what you expect. Many people shop online for deals on skincare products or...
January 13, 2020