Comfort eating feels so...well, comfy. For a number of reasons, most of us indulge at some point. And, likewise, for a number of reasons, some of us are powerless against the urge to do so. Now, new evidence may be the breakthrough that helps some of us break free. It turns out that we may crave certain foods the same way we crave socializing with other people. Isolation may convince the brain to encourage...
Far from a mere inconvenience or annoyance, loneliness can be a serious health risk. And what's worse, loneliness could be on the rise among older Americans. According to the -National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine - ,- 43% of U.S. seniors feel lonely on a regular basis. While older age in itself doesn’t predispose a person to loneliness, it can be a factor. Loneliness is dangerous...
We might be lucky enough to grow up surrounded by family and friends. But eventually, whether from a move, or a loss of contact, a new school or in our first apartment, we all experience loneliness. By all accounts, loneliness is impacting many Americans in epidemic proportions. Some say ts the single greatest mental health crisis of our time. Yet we don't really seem to take it seriously as a problem. But...
The holidays are a joyous and magical time for many. But for some, loneliness and depression can dominate everything. Maybe it's because they're truly alone but for some, it's actually because they feel isolated even if others are around. But the thing is, no one wants to think about this or talk about it. But it's really the dark underbelly of the holidays and talking about it is the only way to start...
Most of us have been itching to get back to our pre-COVID routines, even if we might not fully remember what those old norms entailed. Our world is not the same place we knew even a year ago, and we’re not the same people. Our social skills have gotten rusty, and a lot of us are feeling anxious about getting back out there. While it may be the crux of a slew of memes and the butt of many jokes, social...
For most of us, unless we practice daily diligence, clutter can easily take over. From piles of papers to toys in the middle of the floor, it can be very discouraging to live among the clutter and hard to find the motivation to get going on it. It’s the universe’s best example of the second law of thermodynamics in motion: Without constant work, everything tends towards clutter. Maybe this will help:...
We’ve been at this for over a year now, and many of us have begun to feel defeated. We miss our loved ones and we miss the human connection of being around friends and family. But the vaccine is here and many of us are wondering if this means we can soon get back to hugging the vulnerable elderly in our lives. There have been a lot of questions surrounding the changes we can expect with vaccine rollouts,...
Alone time has benefits but seniors who spend too much time alone are likely to experience loneliness and declining health as a result. The latest trend to combat this is home-sharing and though it has some interesting logistical challenges, the results are hard to deny. What is Senior Home-Sharing? - Home-sharing is, essentially, having a roommate. It may sound like a back-to-college movement, but...
We’re shopping for Halloween candy when we hear an unseasonably familiar tune. Hark, can it be true? - “It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,” blares the loudspeaker above the Halloween costumes and autumn-scented candles. The holiday music season has begun. Is it Grinch-like or Scrooge-ish to want to escape Christmas music? Not according to some experts, who say we might actually benefit by...
No one expects it to happen to them, but divorce strikes -up to half- of all marriages. The experience can be devastating on numerous fronts. You may feel challenged financially, emotionally, and even spiritually, depending on how entangled those aspects of your life were. The world may feel like it’s crumbling, and it’s okay to struggle while figuring it all out, but it’s also important during this...