Our bodies house somewhere between -10 and 100 trillion microbes-, most of which live in our guts. These microbes seem to contribute more than we ever thought our wellbeing and many of our body processes. The balance can be delicate, however; many of them are sensitive to the foods and chemicals we expose them to—and are therefore subject to imbalance. Microscopic Alliance - Animals and microbes have...
Gut bacteria might not seem like a cancer-fighting weapon, but as it turns out, it might well be. A recent study discovered that a type of bacteria in the guts of mice triggered an immune system response to tumor cells — which could have the potential to naturally ward off cancer. Probiotics May Do More Than We Thought — Including Fight Cancer - Everyone has bacteria in their gut. In most cases, that’s...
Leaky gut is another name for intestinal permeability. What this means is that places in the gut that determine what gets to go into your small intestine are not working as they should. This means that substances that you react to, or are toxic to your body, end up where they shouldn’t—in your bloodstream. Imagine your gut’s lining is Gandalf in -The Fellowship of the Ring. He stands at that bridge...
What if today’s common “healthy habits” are actually hurting you? Because as history shows us it has happened many times before. Did you know in the 1920’s cigarettes were considered healthy? Lucky Strike was the biggest brand back then and their advertising campaigns featured doctors. If you did, I doubt you knew that throughout the 1930’s and 1940’s serious medical journals like “The New England...
Many people have suffered for years from conditions related to food and do not know it. You may know of someone who has struggled to find answers for years. These good people seek treatment to relieve their pain, discomfort, and change their appearance or weight so they can live a normal life. They continually complain to family and friends of their problem looking for support and answers. If the pain...