Tagged as Insomnia

Lack of sleep is a major health problem in this country. According to the CDC, almost 70 million people suffer from sleep problems. Sleepiness can lead to depression, obesity and even danger while driving. It's turning into a health emergency, but there's one solution that most people have never even heard about. If you're one of the millions of people suffering from insomnia, you've probably tried...
October 20, 2021
Sleep deprivation can have several causes, making pinpointing the right one difficult. We might feel like we’ve tried everything, but a solid eight hours remains out of reach. Well, it turns out that the problem could be diet related. With the focus of sleep hygiene often centered on routine, screen time management and nighttime comfort, we may forget the importance of eating (and avoiding) certain...
July 22, 2021
Not much can disrupt a person’s day like a bad night’s sleep. According to the -CDC-, over 35% of adults fall short of the recommended 7 hours of sleep they should be getting each night, and the repercussions could be huge. So why are so many people failing to get enough sleep? A handful of common insomnia myths could be at least partially to blame. Myth: Alcohol Makes a Helpful Sleep Aid - Many of...
January 25, 2021
Roughly -37 million people- in the United States suffer from migraines, an often painful condition that can leave sufferers wiped out for days. Their frequency can depend on a number of factors, with one of the biggest being sleep. About half of all migraine sufferers report disrupted sleep as a headache trigger. Pinpointing Migraine Triggers - About -half- of all migraine sufferers report poor sleep...
June 3, 2020
Burnout can suck your energy dry, leaving you running on empty and desperate for something to give. It can manifest in a number of ways, from sleep difficulties to physical illness. This is why it’s important to not let it get the best of you. Know the signs of burnout and what to do about it. Burnout can manifest as insomnia, cynicism, decreased work performance, physical illness and substance abuse....
December 24, 2019
There are those who seem to fall asleep the moment their head hits the pillow. Then there are those who stare at the ceiling, struggling to settle down for 30 minutes, an hour or more before finally dozing off. Being able to fall asleep quickly is important because it allows us to get the maximum amount of rest before the alarm sounds. And it helps us to didge the anxiety we might stir up if we lay...
October 18, 2019
We are always on the go and most everyone has a smartphone these days. If you find sleep is evasive at night, you are not alone. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - , about 25% of the population does not get enough sleep on some nights and approximately 10% report suffering from chronic insomnia. There are several apps out there that can come to your rescue with different...
October 23, 2018
One of my students called me the other day from Paris asking me to please send a copy of my meditation CD to her as quickly as possible. She asked if I would send it overnight or whatever way was fastest to get it to her seven-year-old son. It was an emergency, she told me. They had forgotten it at home here in Los Angeles and her son just doesn't go to sleep without it. I mailed it out, smiling to...
October 15, 2007