Tagged as Honey

Honey is the world's perfect food. Containing all of the nutritional elements necessary to sustain life, it is also naturally antibacterial, and delicious. Its use even predates history, with the world's oldest honey sample being found in - Egyptian pyramids - dating back 3000 years ago. Surprisingly, it was still edible. In addition to it being a sweet treat since ancient times, honey's natural properties...
September 14, 2023
We, as a nation, have a sweet tooth. But we know that sugar is making us fat and very unhealthy. Luckily, we have other ways to sweeten things. Let's talk about our "sugarless" options, what we should be using and what we need to ditch! - The bad: - High fructose corn syrup - Agave nectar - Saccharin - Aspartame - Sucralose - The first two we will talk about are high fructose corn syrup and agave nectar....
August 13, 2023
Could a spoonful of honey provide relief from seasonal allergies? This alternative treatment for the symptoms of allergic rhinitis hasn’t been widely accepted by conventional medicine but research indicates it produces promising results. A natural remedy that's easy to come by, honey could be used in place of conventional medications or as additional support for those dealing with severe symptoms....
August 31, 2022
Most people are aware of the health benefits of taking the right combination of vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements. However, they might not be aware that there are actually a few common natural items that can also serve as antibiotics. There are many reasons for people to seek out reliable natural remedies to treat their common health concerns. For starters, natural medicines can often have...
March 17, 2022
Brrr. It’s the time of year where sniffles arrive, along with bothersome scratchy throats. When a cold comes with a cough, it can feel irritating and uncomfortable. Feeling better may start with soothing the cough. But before reaching for over-the-counter medications or lozenges, try this common healing superfood that's probably already in your pantry. Honey May Help to Mitigate Cough Symptoms - Losing...
February 1, 2021
When was the last time you had a good cuppa? There are numerous -health benefits- to drinking green tea, from its anti-inflammatory effects to its antiviral and anticancer properties. Tea is, by all rights, a genuine superfood. And it turns out, it may even help to turn around a depressed mood. The Link Between Green Tea and Depression - Depression can be -common- in older adults, especially among...
June 12, 2020
Honey is more than just a sweetener to add to your tea. It also provides a variety of benefits that can be good for your health. Honey has a variety of benefits that go beyond being a traditional sweetener in a recipe. From treating burns to helping postmenopausal women retain their immediate memory, here's a look at a few of the conditions honey can treat. Honey Can Be Used to Treat Burns - Studies...
August 15, 2019
Bees are dying and their colonies are collapsing all over the globe. They have been in trouble for several years now, with multiple threats leaving - their - future uncertain. But what does it mean for - us - if bees literally become extinct? - We often take for granted how dependent we are on bees for pollinating the foods we eat, but the repercussions of their decline could hit hard, both economically...
September 15, 2018
Bees are essential to the plant foods we eat. In the U.S. alone, industrious bees annually help pollinate crops worth more than $200 billion. Pollination is the main job they perform for humans. Raw honey is the main product they produce. What is “raw" honey? Isn't all honey the same—a sweet sticky substance made by bees that you add to your tea or drizzle into a bowl of cereal? - Wrong! Raw organic...
December 21, 2014