Tagged as holidays

The holiday season is traditionally filled with gifts, and many of us are rushing to finish our shopping or indulging in the post-holiday sales. We want to gift to others and make them feel good. But what about ourselves? Consider a little self-love this holiday. 1. Be Present - Right here, right now. No fear borrowed from an uncertain future. No sorrow brought in from the past. Just this moment right...
December 22, 2022
Staying centered may be easy when life is calm and peaceful, but it can be more of a challenge during the holidays—for many of us, anyway. Stressful times, financial concerns, and complicated relationships with family members may add to the feeling of being off-center and uncomfortable. Many people say they haven't really enjoyed the holidays since they were kids. But there are ways to feel centered...
November 24, 2022
Here they come again — office parties, family dinners, gifts to buy and holiday crowds — it doesn’t take long before stress starts to take its toll. From traveling to entertaining or just trying to keep up with the holiday rush, we have some survival tips. Holiday stress doesn’t have to be a looming disaster waiting to happen. Conquer the beast by getting enough sunlight, planning ahead, pacing yourself...
November 13, 2022
We all need and want to feel connected to others and fully validated, especially during the holidays! However, those of us affected by complex health issues know how profoundly this can affect your holiday experience. This article offers effective strategies for voicing and honoring your needs so you can reclaim the connection and joy that you crave during the holiday season. Please note that these...
November 4, 2022
Frosting-coated cookies, butter-drenched veggies, gravy on everything, and carb-filled casseroles derail the dietary habits of many healthy adults during the holiday season. Some people choose these foods because they like how they taste, while others eat them because they evoke memories of fun family festivities and the sense of tradition and good family times is comforting and defines the holidays....
November 3, 2022
When everyone around you eats sweets and treats and takes the holidays as an excuse to indulge for the entire month of December, it suddenly gets really hard to make good choices. The house that used to have nothing too tempting is suddenly bursting with candy, cookies from grandma, and leftovers from rich indulgent meals. Ugh. What's a person who is trying to stay the course on a healthy lifestyle...
December 21, 2020
We’re shopping for Halloween candy when we hear an unseasonably familiar tune. Hark, can it be true? - “It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,” blares the loudspeaker above the Halloween costumes and autumn-scented candles. The holiday music season has begun. Is it Grinch-like or Scrooge-ish to want to escape Christmas music? Not according to some experts, who say we might actually benefit by...
December 21, 2020