Like the villains in old-fashioned westerns, cholesterol tends to get viewed as one of our body’s bad guys. But cholesterol plays a vital role in keeping our bodies functioning properly. So it's important to view it with balance. We need to keep it within optimal levels, but not view it as evil or bad because it's important to our wellbeing. Let’s take a closer look at the role cholesterol plays in...
Some of us are lucky enough to have doctors who track our cholesterol from the time we're young. But for many, we don’t think much about our cholesterol levels until health effects start cropping up later in life. As young adults most of us are too worried about enjoying life to be counting our egg and meat intake and depriving ourselves of rich foods. And many of us take the approach that young people...
There’s no question about it—diabetes is -on the rise. Across the board, more and more people are suffering from prediabetes, diabetes and complications from high blood sugar levels. Most concerning is how prevalent these conditions have become among younger people, who should be at the peak of good health. A staggering one in four young adults is on the road toward developing diabetes. Obesity is...
Red meat has gotten a bad rap over the years. Even the -American Heart Association- recommends limiting your intake. But what if we’ve been unfairly favoring other types of meat over beef, lamb and pork? A recent study may have leveled the playing field. Is chicken really better for you than beef? According to one study, it isn’t. Researchers compared cholesterol levels from diets focusing on three...
These little yummies are a real wonder. They have a ton of fiber, minerals, and vitamins not to mention protein. They're good for heart health, lowering cholesterol, and may even improve blood sugar and a number of other things. They can help us lose weight and they have an incredible shelf life. Legumes are an important part of human nutrition, packed with many of the nutrients our bodies need to...
Many Americans who may benefit from taking cholesterol-lowering medications (statins) are not taking them. Why? Over -half of them- say their doctor didn’t give them the option. With heart disease being the -leading cause of death- for men and women, researchers are concerned that people with high cholesterol are not getting the information they need to make an informed decision regarding their health....