Anger is one of the most basic of human emotions. It's experienced even by babies. But while infants and toddlers manage their anger primarily with tears and physical reflex, such as hitting, adults have better options. Using healthy ways to manage anger can benefit your mental and physical health and it makes you more likable in most cases. How Does Anger Affect the Body? - Studies show that feeling...
The heart is essential for good physical health, pumping blood through our bodies and removing waste from within us. Unfortunately, it is subject to a range of harmful agents, from the concrete to the intangible, and a majority of which is attributed to the choices we make in life. Some factors that lead to cardiovascular disease and heart attacks are less obvious than others, and all are important...
Unless you were born prior to the mid-twentieth century, you've heard this warning all of your life: “Saturated fats are bad for you. They increase cholesterol and cause heart attacks." I sure did. My mother would only make us eggs for breakfast once a week because she didn't want the family to get clogged arteries. The house was filled with low-fat this and reduced fat that, diet this and sugar-free...
Your overall approach to health plays a huge role in the development of future medical conditions, including those that affect the heart. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the United States, even greater than deaths caused by injuries and other diseases such as cancer. To reduce your risk of heart disease, make a conscious...
Sugar consumption has risen to an all time high. The average American eats somewhere around 20 teaspoons of sugar every day (estimates vary, depending on which study is consulted); this translates to about -66 pounds of added sugar per year. However, some people are consuming much more than that, maybe even twice as much. Some Starbucks' drinks may have as much as 25 teaspoons of sugar in one drink,...
1 in 3 people- get heart disease and when they find out about it - it’s often too late. Heart disease is a mostly -preventable disease- and nothing stops you from taking steps to avoid or even reverse the risks right now. The following 3 tips are the best known ways you can avoid a heart attack, or worse - death. 1. Be Active, Stay Active. Maintaining an active lifestyle that includes exercising on...
Beets have earned a reputation as being a very healthy food. They have an impressive nutritional profile and offer many health benefits. Beets are high in the essential minerals potassium and manganese, the B vitamin folate, immune-boosting vitamin C, fiber, vitamin B6 and betaine. Once you learn a little more, you just might be ready to pour yourself a glass of beet juice! - Just Some of The Many...
How late women consume the bulk of their calories each day could affect their heart health. New research shows late-night snacking could pose cardiovascular risks, specifically to women. Here’s what experts know so far about the connection. When You Eat Is as Important as What You Eat - The American Heart Association (AHA)- has issued a warning that especially applies to all the women out there: Keep...
Though they may seem like very different parts of the body with very different purposes, the gut and the heart actually have a lot in common. Both are focal points for many of the feelings we experience — and whether you listen to your gut or follow your heart, you’ve likely felt the emotional effects of both. But colloquialisms aside, researchers have recently discovered a whole new, purely physical...
How much sugar do you consume each day? You might be surprised by how much of the sweet stuff is sneaking into your diet, without your consent. Hidden sugars are rampant in the food industry, -especially in ultra-processed foods. But the good news is that new FDA labeling requirements may help. Under the new requirements, food manufacturers must specify the amount of added sugar in most products. Since...