Tagged as Healthy Diet

Here is a true confession that I don't include in my bio on my website.  In the not so long ago past I had been carrying an extra 20 pounds on my not so large 5'4" frame.  How much I weighed doesn't matter. It was too much for me, my height, my age and my body type ( I was not a body builder so I hardly had that excuse). So how did it come to be that someone who has extensive training in nutrition...
October 23, 2018
Arteries are responsible for carrying oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. When you have healthy arteries, blood flows through the body quite easily. As you age, fatty deposits, cholesterol and cellular waste products settle on the inner walls of your arteries. Research shows that pomegranate can actually help clean your arteries helping to keep blood flowing smoothly. When arteries become clogged,...
June 22, 2018
As Parents it Starts With Us - We can be role models for our children by the way we care for ourselves. Healthy families can produce healthy children. It is important to support our children’s health, one healthy meal at a time. Getting children to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables is a good start. A plant-based diet contains all the vitamins and minerals to help the physical and mental development...
April 25, 2018
Why is it that we moms spend hours, weeks, months researching the best schools and summer camps, finding the best Christmas presents and birthday gifts, scoping out the best flat screen TVs, but we want to cook dinner in a quick 20 minutes. Think about it: we sign our children up for multiple activities when they are small so they can get into college, but we don’t teach them two simple skills they...
April 5, 2018
Continuous media hype from self-proclaimed “health experts" and diet gurus decrees the necessity for drinking a minimum of eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily. There are other people, many of whom are bona fide experts, waging the argument that you can drink too much water, even to the consequence of death. The ever-present water bottle clutched in the hands of celebrities whose photos look out at...
February 23, 2018
By Dana Poblete for Thrive Market - Going vegan can sometimes feel like all things sinful are suddenly out of reach, and blandness is the price to pay for a soul-soothing, cruelty-free diet. On the other side of the coin, you may be cheerfully gulping apple juice and melting soy cheese on a veggie pizza, proudly reveling in your ethical choices, oblivious to what's really in your food. First of all,...
January 4, 2018
What Should I Eat? - We are constantly bombarded with health information, but it is often useless information. With just a click of a mouse we can learn all about the current fad diets, or read about the newest surgical weight-loss procedure, or lose weight by using smaller plates, or view an advertisement for the latest low-fat snack, portioned for ‘convenience’ in 100-calorie packages. None of this...
December 21, 2017
The statistics are sobering and staggering. Over 95% of all Americans will become overweight or obese within the next two decades. By 2050, one out of every three Americans will have diabetes. This is the first generation of Americans expected to live shorter lives than their parents. How did this happen? That’s what -Fed Up-, a recent documentary narrated by Katie Couric, dares to ask. You can now...
December 14, 2017
Every parent has a little catch in their throat when their child leaves for the first day of a new school year. No matter the age, this event has a lot of hopes attached to it. To get your child off to the best start, cast aside the issues over what kinds of sneakers to wear, backpacks to carry or school supplies everyone else has purchased. Focus on what -really -has the potential to place your child...
September 2, 2016
Depression is the most prevalent of all the emotional disorders. Symptoms may vary from feelings of minor sadness to sheer misery and dejection. When sadness persists and impairs daily life, it maybe an indication of a depressive disorder.Depression brings together a variety of physical and psychological symptoms, which together constitute a syndrome. The most common symptoms of depression are feelings...
August 26, 2016