The flu can utterly devastate the body and leave you feeling wrung out, but it’s not the only winter illness to be concerned about. We all suffer from colds at some point, too. But then over here is this other thing that few know about. It turns out that adenoviruses are making people sick, too. Knowing the difference between these viruses, the flu, and the common cold may even help you stay healthier....
Researchers are still unsure of all the details as to what this may mean going forward, but they may have shed some new light on how we develop long-term immunity against influenza strains. More specifically, they’ve linked the strongest immune responses to the variants we were exposed to as children. Different Influenza Strains - Up until 1957, H1N1 was the only known -flu virus strain- in humans....
The yearly battle against the flu claims at least -20,000 US lives- each year, -putting 225,000 people in the hospital- and infecting up to 50 million in total. Antiviral drugs can tip the scales, but antiviral resistance threatens every bit of progress we’ve made against this fast-mutating group of pathogens. But a possible new medication could shift the balance back in our favor. Antiviral Resistance...
Food might not be on your mind so much when you’re not feeling well, but proper nutrition is vital to -good immune health. That means you need to eat — even when you don't want to. Some meal choices are better for you than others when you’re trying to fight off a nasty bug, though. Let's look at some foods that will help build health and recovery. Fruits - Fruits contain a wealth of vitamins and minerals,...
Food might not be on your mind so much when you’re not feeling well, but proper nutrition is vital to -good immune health. That means you need to eat — even when you don't want to. Some meal choices are better for you than others when you’re trying to fight off a nasty bug, though. Let's look at some foods that will help build health and recovery. Fruits - Fruits contain a wealth of vitamins and minerals,...
The panic of COVID-19 currently gripping parts of China and a few other countries could be hitting a lot closer to home very soon. CDC- officials are warning that the coronavirus is likely to become a pandemic, which means there’s a good possibility it will make its way through the United States. Are you prepared to protect your home? - We offer the following not to induce panic because we can best...
During viral outbreaks, we are reminded of how vulnerable we can be as a community on both a local and a global basis. Reactions to viruses have brought entire cities to a screeching halt, closed schools, shut down production lines and cleaned off store shelves. But not everyone has the ability to shelter in place until the threat passes. If you or someone you love is among those who must commute outside...
Each year, the World Health Organization (WHO) compiles a list of the world’s most significant health threats in the hopes of finding ways to solve them. This year’s greatest threats to global health are: - 1. Air pollution - 2. Lifestyle-related deaths - 3. Influenza - 4. Poor living conditions - 5. Antimicrobial resistance - 6. High-threat pathogens - 7. Poor primary healthcare - 8. Vaccine hesitancy...
Introduction - Every year thousands of people are either intimidated or “sold” into believing that they absolutely must get a flu shot. This is especially true for the elderly, the immune-suppressed, pregnant women, people already sick, and people that work with the public. If the powers that be (Big Pharma, the AMA, the CDC, etc.) were being entirely forthcoming, honest and comprehensive about the...
Written By: - GreenMedInfo Research Group - A provocative new study on flu virus transmission found that subjects had 6.3 times more aerosol shedding of flu virus particles if they received vaccination in the current and previous season compared with having no vaccination in those two seasons. Vaccination is predicated on the rarely questioned belief that it confers bona fide immunity against targeted...