Before the cold weather season begins, we may promise ourselves to avoid running up the heating bill. Then comes (brrrrr!) winter, and our longing for warmth overrides that vow and our bank account pays the price. But what if we could stay warm without paying a hefty price to heat our homes? Read on to discover 10 ways to achieve that goal. 5 Free Ways to Stay Warm - Winter brings -many challenges-,...
Tiny houses are a new trend sweeping the country. No one argues the impact negative stress can have on your health and lifespan. With stress being a major contributing factor to disease, and even death, more and more people are realizing that big houses and all the stress that comes along with them, such as high bills, maintenance etc., means less free time to do more exciting things in life. There...
Parents may often question how they will be able to put together enough money to pay for their child's care as they get older, particularly when a child is born with special needs and/or a disability. While every family's circumstance is different, there are sure ongoing threads that can make planning a child's care simpler. First, it’s vital to be aware that that people with disabilities are frequently...
Nature has an interesting way of teaching and inspiring. What if nature’s lessons could inspire how you manage your household budget? Let’s take a look. Nature’s Lessons: - 1. Zero Waste - In nature there is no waste. Take a walk in a forest. Observe the new growth sprouting out of old rotting tree trunks. Nature has a purpose and use for everything. Could you move toward a zero waste household with...
Obtaining financial wellness means creating a healthy financial environment in which you prepare for the future and live well in the present. Financial wellness does not mean having financial wealth. Instead, it simply means evaluating your finances in a practical way and living within your means. In order to create financial wellness in your life, follow the below tips: - Track your spending - Before...