Tagged as Fear of the Dentist

The hygienist can cause a lot of anxiety for some of us. All the scraping, poking and prodding is enough to push almost anyone over the edge. It could be that this is soon to change, though. And that’s got a few of us here at Wellness more than a little excited (and some of us a little terrified, too). Thanks to an army of- small robots- trips to the dentist may soon get a lot more high-tech. Designed...
December 27, 2024
INTRODUCTION - A good number of people have unjustified fears or anxieties regarding dental care.  Some of that fear springs from misconceptions and myths; others spring from bad experiences they have accidentally bumped into in the past. The good news is that a number of important facts—some of which may not be known to you - can help allay some of those fears and sources of anxiety. TEN REASSURING...
December 4, 2019