On average, Americans spend nearly -3 hours- on their phones each day. And that doesn’t account for- all- of their screen time. When you add in the amount of time spent on a computer, tablet or other electronic device, screen time increases dramatically — especially for those who spend 8 hours a day on a computer for work. It’s a sign of the times, and you may wonder why it even matters. Turns out,...
Computers and online devices have become so deeply integrated into our daily lives that many of us don’t think twice about how often we may use them., or how long we remain at the screen. We might not even make the connection when symptoms of eye strain begin to appear, often dismissing them as other problems or ignoring them altogether. But when all that time online starts to take its toll, it’s time...
Everything changes as you get older; physical ability, mental acuity and eyesight all succumb, in some form or another, to the aging process. Eyes, in particular though, are vulnerable to the aging process and may develop one or more -age-related conditions-, such as presbyopia, floaters, glaucoma, dry eyes, macular degeneration, cataracts and temporal arteritis. These conditions aren’t always unavoidable,...
INTRODUCTION - There is good news on the horizon regarding age-related macular degeneration (AMD), Stargardt disease (the juvenile version) and related retinal pathologies. Although gene therapy is not new, the ways that it may enhance treatment options for these and other eye diseases is, to put it mildly, astounding. WHY THE EYES ARE ALMOST PERFECTLY SUITED FOR GENE THERAPY - Unfortunately, not...
Vision is a valuable asset; one many of us couldn’t imagine living without. Most people who lose their vision manage to adapt, although the change can be life-altering. Researchers have labored to find ways to restore lost eyesight, but until recently, the prospects weren't great. But research into some other animals’ ability to regenerate lost limbs and other tissues has led to new insights into human...
Most of us depend on our eyesight in nearly everything we do. And we might not realize how much we use our eyes until our vision begins to fail. Macular degeneration- causes more vision loss among older U.S. residents than any other health issue, so it’s important to know the warning signs as early intervention may help. Macular degeneration is the biggest cause of age-related vision loss in the United...
Each year, approximately -700,000 people- undergo LASIK surgery to improve their vision. For the most part, LASIK is safe and successful, about 96% to 98% achieve 20/20 vision or better. However, there are complications and side effects associated with the procedure, many of which are unknown or are downplayed so they catch people off guard when they do crop up. This has led to the formation of several...
It’s one of the latest trends in healthy dieting. Celery juice has made headlines on popular sites like -Goop-, -Forbes- and -Shape-, and the list of its potential benefits has made the bright green concoction an Instagram sensation. Of course, no one food or drink is ever a cure-all, but the real benefits that come with this one might have you reaching for your juicer. Drinking celery juice just may...
Would you recognize the signs of an eye stroke? If one hits, you may have precious little time to restore your vision. It’s important to know the risk factors and symptoms of this seemingly tiny emergency, which is sometimes a warning sign of something far more dangerous ahead. An eye stroke can hit without warning, causing blind spots, shadows or even total blindness in one eye. People with cardiovascular...