Tagged as eye health

Computers and online devices have become so deeply integrated into our daily lives that many of us don’t think twice about how often we may use them., or how long we remain at the screen. We might not even make the connection when symptoms of eye strain begin to appear, often dismissing them as other problems or ignoring them altogether. But when all that time online starts to take its toll, it’s time...
April 15, 2022
Squashes, one of the oldest known -crops cultivated- in the Americas, squash is available in several varieties, including buttercup, Hubbard, winter pumpkins, butternuts, cushaw, zucchini, yellow squash and courgette, among many others. Squash is a long-storing vegetable so many like it for that. Not to mention, it can often be pretty cheap compared to other veggies. But there are as many reasons to...
April 30, 2020
Would you recognize the signs of an eye stroke? If one hits, you may have precious little time to restore your vision. It’s important to know the risk factors and symptoms of this seemingly tiny emergency, which is sometimes a warning sign of something far more dangerous ahead. An eye stroke can hit without warning, causing blind spots, shadows or even total blindness in one eye. People with cardiovascular...
January 13, 2020