Tagged as Exercise

It’s safe to say that the average American's relationship with exercise is not the healthiest. Exercise, to many Americans, is an activity done as a means to an end — whether it be to lose weight, improve a current diagnosis or train for a specific event. It’s not typically done for its own sake or for the pure enjoyment of it. While at the gym, most people distract themselves from the discomfort associated...
April 23, 2015
Spring is quickly approaching, and winter weather is fading away all around the country. As it gets nicer outdoors, what's one thing you can do to greatly increase your overall health and the health of your wallet? Simple; commute to work on your bicycle! And better yet, if you don't own one, make it a goal to change that in time for -National Bike to Work Week- (May 11-15). Commuting by bicycle is...
March 1, 2015
Wellness Tip:- Exercise is touted as one of the most beneficial things you can do for your health. We are bombarded daily with slinky-clad young women on elliptical machines, or buff men pumping iron, and many other forms that frankly tend to intimidate. What if I told you that exercise can be as simple as a morning walk? Simply don your most casual overalls and hit the outdoors. The morning air is...
November 4, 2014
It is a form of daily exercise that is so easy, no need to schedule gym time, just keep the poles in the back of your car. Make the time during the day, lunch break, work-walking meeting or while you make a hands-free phone call. If you don't, then when you pull in your driveway take a 15 minute walk before walking in your door. If you commit yourself to 15 minutes every day, after a night or two of...
May 6, 2014
Another holiday season has come and gone. Say goodbye to the parties and to the calorie-filled food and drink for another year. Now that the calendar has changed, people strive to make lasting changes in their lives and getting in shape is traditionally at the top of the list of resolutions. That means people often start hitting the gym, hoping to look good when bathing suit season hits. While a new...
January 3, 2014
Learning how to work physical activity into your already busy day can be overwhelming. Whether you are interested in losing weight or just building muscle tone, the hardest part of any exercise routine is to get off the couch. Start Small and Build From There- You might think that a few minutes of exercise per day won’t make a difference, but it will. The more you move, the more it becomes a habit...
June 11, 2013
Abstract This blog will provide some factors of why a dramatic decrease in physical activity and increase in obesity happens from adolescence into adulthood. It will also illustrate a perspective of the effectiveness of the People 2010 program. Wellness.com: Blog Why in general do most populations get fatter as they get older? Again, I will refer to my experience and few years back during the participation...
November 3, 2007
Are you challenged to find the time to exercise? Who isn't these days! But if a strong, lean, healthy body is valuable to you, then exercise is a must. Most days I don't have much more than 30 to 40 minutes that I can spare for my exercise, sometimes less, and I want the time I spend to bring results. The secret to twice the results in half the time is grounded intention. When I had a private personal...
October 22, 2007