Tagged as elderly

Far from a mere inconvenience or annoyance, loneliness can be a serious health risk. And what's worse, loneliness could be on the rise among older Americans. According to the -National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine - ,- 43% of U.S. seniors feel lonely on a regular basis. While older age in itself doesn’t predispose a person to loneliness, it can be a factor. Loneliness is dangerous...
December 17, 2024
We’ve been at this for over a year now, and many of us have begun to feel defeated. We miss our loved ones and we miss the human connection of being around friends and family. But the vaccine is here and many of us are wondering if this means we can soon get back to hugging the vulnerable elderly in our lives. There have been a lot of questions surrounding the changes we can expect with vaccine rollouts,...
March 2, 2021
We sometimes hear high blood pressure referred to as the “-silent killer.” That’s because -high blood pressure- often has no symptoms, despite -increasing our risk of heart attack and stroke. But few realize that low blood pressure can be just as deadly for some people. A new study has the details. Blood Pressure Guidelines Changed - Recently, the American College of Cardiology (ACC) and American Heart...
November 3, 2020
When was the last time you had a good cuppa? There are numerous -health benefits- to drinking green tea, from its anti-inflammatory effects to its antiviral and anticancer properties. Tea is, by all rights, a genuine superfood. And it turns out, it may even help to turn around a depressed mood. The Link Between Green Tea and Depression - Depression can be -common- in older adults, especially among...
June 12, 2020