Tagged as Depression

Far from a mere inconvenience or annoyance, loneliness can be a serious health risk. And what's worse, loneliness could be on the rise among older Americans. According to the -National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine - ,- 43% of U.S. seniors feel lonely on a regular basis. While older age in itself doesn’t predispose a person to loneliness, it can be a factor. Loneliness is dangerous...
December 17, 2024
The holidays are supposed to be a time of togetherness and gratitude, but they can be a double-edged sword for many of us. For what might be multiple reasons, an abnormally high number of people die from heart attacks during the holiday season nearly every year. We have a breakdown of the possible culprits so you can avoid them. We'd like to see you stick around for next year. Only Shovel Snow If You’re...
December 6, 2024
Happiness is not something that just magically happens for some people but not for others. The way you view yourself, others, and the world around you is the key your own happiness. If you genuinely want to be happy more often than you are, you CAN make changes necessary to bring about that peace. Although everyone has bad periods in their lives that can last from hours to even months at a time, those...
November 22, 2024
We might be lucky enough to grow up surrounded by family and friends. But eventually, whether from a move, or a loss of contact, a new school or in our first apartment, we all experience loneliness. By all accounts, loneliness is impacting many Americans in epidemic proportions. Some say ts the single greatest mental health crisis of our time. Yet we don't really seem to take it seriously as a problem. But...
October 25, 2024
Although there are many approaches toward battling depression, there is no question that a healthy diet should be part of an overall depression-fighting treatment plan. The nutrients in food support wellness, growth and the body's ability to repair itself. Deficiency in fat, protein, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins can cause our bodies to not work at full capacity and can also adversely affect...
September 27, 2024
Have you ever been told to “count your blessings” when you confess that you’re feeling depressed? Or perhaps a well-meaning friend has suggested that you create a gratitude list when you’re experiencing anxiety. Could practicing gratitude really help with anxiety or depression? Find out the surprising answer below. Can Gratitude Help With Anxiety or Depression? - If you're in that terrible place where...
November 20, 2023
Men generally try to portray a strong, unemotional front. However, men are just as likely to suffer from depression as women. In fact, over 6 million men struggle with depression in the United States every year. Yet, their struggles tend to be - different than the symptoms faced by women. Still, these symptoms damage relationships, impair a work performance, and interfere with his ability to make decisions...
October 8, 2023
“Are you still watching?” This is the slightly shame-inducing message Netflix sends a watcher’s way after they’ve consumed too much programming in a single session. It's an automatic message prompted by three shows consumed without interruption. The intention of this message may have nothing to do with discouraging binge-watching, but it certainly is a good reminder that it may be time to switch the...
October 2, 2023
The holidays are a joyous and magical time for many. But for some, loneliness and depression can dominate everything. Maybe it's because they're truly alone but for some, it's actually because they feel isolated even if others are around. But the thing is, no one wants to think about this or talk about it. But it's really the dark underbelly of the holidays and talking about it is the only way to start...
December 25, 2022
As a huge advocate for houseplants, - my living rooms - and kitchen are filled with them. My living room is a jungle, and I love it! - Surrounding a living space with plants offers many benefits, which segue to mental and physical health. An Aid For Seasonal Depression - When blankets of snow cover the landscape, many struggle to be released from Winter’s firm depressive grip. Seasonal depression prevalence...
December 17, 2022