Tagged as Dentist

The dentist can be a real source of anxiety for many people. Aside from the obvious, somene with their fingers in your mouth, possible pain, and feelings of confinement, some of us old-timers also have concerns over the possibility of being slowly poisoned by our old amalgam fillings. The -American Dental Association- (ADA), -Food and Drug Administration- (FDA) and -National Institutes of Health- (NIH)...
August 25, 2022
Like so many other people, you may still have mercury amalgam fillings in your mouth. This might make you wonder: Should I get a mercury filling removal? Although the answer will depend a lot on your particular needs and circumstances, there are some basic things you should know. Mercury is considered toxic to our health. Despite the fact that -research studies - have shown that mercury levels from...
January 1, 2022
INTRODUCTION - A good number of people have unjustified fears or anxieties regarding dental care.  Some of that fear springs from misconceptions and myths; others spring from bad experiences they have accidentally bumped into in the past. The good news is that a number of important facts—some of which may not be known to you - can help allay some of those fears and sources of anxiety. TEN REASSURING...
December 4, 2019
INTRODUCTION - Over-the-counter, do-it-yourself (DIY) teeth whitening kits sound like a good idea for a number of reasons, including convenience, a lower cost than going to a dentist, and relative ease of use. That’s the good news.  But, like everything in this world that sounds too-good-to-be-true, you also need to pay attention to the “bad news.” - These over-the-counter, teeth-enhancement kits are,...
October 23, 2019
The hygienist can cause a lot of anxiety for some of us. All the scraping, poking and prodding is enough to push almost anyone over the edge. It could be that this is soon to change, though. And that’s got a few of us here at Wellness more than a little excited (and some of us a little terrified, too). Thanks to an army of- small robots- trips to the dentist may soon get a lot more high-tech. Designed...
June 5, 2019
Although there are many ways to tend to a toothache, not all of them are safe.  Other important considerations are how does each treatment last, is this a short or a long-term solution and how well (if at all) can you afford to pay for the treatment(s) that you need? - For the record, if you can afford it or can find some way to pay for it, making an appointment ASAP to see a dentist is the best way...
September 29, 2018