Tagged as Breast Cancer

Should I Eat Soy? - Confusion surrounds soy and soy products. Are they healthful or harmful? Let’s examine the myths and facts surrounding soy. Not a Magic Pill or a Poison; Just a Bean - Compared to other beans, soybeans are unique, possessing a different macronutrient composition. They are higher in protein and fat and lower in carbohydrate than other beans. Soybeans come in a variety of different...
August 10, 2020
Many factors determine our risk of breast cancer. Some factors we cannot control, such as our age. But there are also controllable factors, such as smoking. Could our hair color choices be one of those controllable factors? A recent study found a link between hair dye products and breast cancer risk. Controllable Breast Cancer Risk Factors - Understanding controllable breast cancer -risk factors- may...
July 30, 2020
For thousands of people this year there will come a moment where they are told they have cancer. Perhaps it will be you, perhaps a loved one will tell you that they have cancer. But either way, beyond the cancer treatment, the seemingly endless ongoing decisions for health and strategy, there is the emotional toll that this diagnosis carries with it in both the immediate sense and the long-term. Dealing...
July 27, 2020
The advice on drinking and health seems to be constantly in flux. You may have heard a glass of wine a day -keeps the doctor away. But is this information still valid? The most recent research has us asking, “Is it time to give up that nightly cocktail?” A recent study out of the University of Washington indicates that drinking -any- amount of alcohol may be harmful to our health. This advice is contradictory...
June 5, 2020
A mixed drink after work to unwind, a glass of wine with dinner, a nightcap to relax before heading to bed — having one drink every day isn’t a big deal, right? Except, for a woman, maybe it is. How Much Alcohol is Safe for Women? - Just three drinks per week raise the risk of invasive hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer by -15%. Drinking 2-3 drinks per day increases the risk to -30-50%. One drink,...
May 26, 2020
Early detection is crucial to fighting many forms of cancer, so it’s important to use whatever technology we can to get the earliest possible indication. Recent news reports- on thermal imaging have made some people optimistic about a safer alternative to more imposing diagnostics like mammograms. Officials warn, however, that the technology might not be the modern miracle it seems. Let's look closer...
March 13, 2020
Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women. It is the number one cause of cancer death in Hispanic women and the second most common cause of cancer death in white, black, Asian/Pacific Islander, and American Indian/Alaska Native women. One out of eight American women who live to be 85 years of age will develop breast cancer, a risk that was one out of 14 in 1960. Food used as a preventative...
March 3, 2020
1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer, and every 13 minutes a woman dies from the disease. Let's look at how to become educated on the preventative measures and early detection methods regularly recommended by doctors. Every woman is at risk for breast cancer, but some are more at risk than others due to genetics and their biological makeup. Although many women have found themselves impacted by the...
November 22, 2019
It’s time to get real about what bras really do for our breasts rather than support them. As a long-time lover of cute, sexy, and supportive bras, I’ve recently discovered that bras aren’t doing much for us—and are perhaps even harming us—outside of covering our nipples, keeping our girls in uniform shape, and looking sexy during sexy time. The question as to whether or not bras raise our risk for...
October 10, 2019
In 2014, the World Health Organization stated that cancer rates worldwide will rise by 57% by 2034, boldly declaring that there will be an “imminent global cancer disaster” in the coming years. Breast cancer affects 1 in 8 women in the United States, according to the -National Cancer Institute. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, however. Did you know that more than half of all cancers can be...
October 3, 2019